Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 6:41 PM
Subject: 陳靈超; The New NTUEE66 Website - 台大《電機66》網站 is now available

To All;

It is sad to let you know that we may have to add one more on our memorial.
Chan Ling Chiu (陳靈超) was passed away two and half years ago. I just found it out this sad message from his mother. He was from Hong Kong and graduated from Tak Ming High School (德明中學) in Hong Kong. After graduated from Taida, he had been working in the electronic industries in Hong Kong for Arvin Electronics as manufacturing manager and managing director for Radio Shack. He was a consultant to couple electronic companies before he suffered from a heart-attach and ended his journey in this world.

I believe he was graduate on time in EE. Allen Kwan and Charles Tse may be able to send us more info about Chan Ling Chiu. They were living in the same dormitory (#11 or #12).

Sze-Yau Derek Yiu ( 姚思游)

From: 謝家崧 Charles Tse,   May 14, 2010

Yes, he is in our class and was from Hong Kong. Sorry to hear about his passing. He was a fun person to be around in Taida. I think he did graduated with us on the same year but definitely in our "51" 學號 (Student Number) class. I believe he was from the same high school from Hong Kong as Charles Lau (刘銓釗)。

Take care,

From 關潤錚, May, 14, 2010

Chan Ling Chiu (陳靈超), Charles Lau, Samson Yu (余新生) and myself all graduated from Tak Ming High School in Hong Kong, and we all started to study EE at Taida the same year (with the 51 學號) like the rest of us; however I am not sure if he graduated the same year(66) with us or not. He lived in Dorm #11 at that time.

Charles Lau (刘銓釗) is living in Hong Kong and his email is: 

Have a good day.

Allen Kwan